Sunday, April 26, 2015
Plus Points for today's Sunday All Stars episode
A week before all Sunday variety shows go off air in lieu of PacMan fight, Sunday All Stars gave it a good fight today. So while we maintain our side that GMA Network should make their Sunday variety show a primetime one, we also think that efforts to improve it have been evident. Let's enumerate them.
*Blending opening number featuring the songs of Manny Pacquiao was a good one. It made the 'masa' songs sound classy. Thanks to Asia's Songbird who headed the bandwagon of singers. The people behind SAS have realized that the Glee-ish production numbers (vocal mixing) work for them. Plus their singers have been good in blending and harmony.
*Let the Love Begin launch was surprisingly major. Unlike previous soap opera launches, this one was not too corny and just fit for a launch. We were surprised with Ruru Madrid. He can sing with Gabbi Garcia who obviously has talent in that department.
*Hands down to the LipSync Battle Showdown. Man that was funny, entertaining and (importantly) excellent. GMA Network should invest on a SAS National Tour and feature production numbers such as this one with the same artists from this episode. It's first and unique from SAS so they won't be labeled as copycats of the already institution ASAP.
*Rita Daniela's album launch was also excellent. Make her a BIG star please. Give her movies.
*Regine Velasquez-Alcasid did an awesome job with that back-to-back production number. Happy birthday! We loved the part when Lovi, Regine, & Jaya were joking around each other. Made viewers feel like they're a happy family.
*SAS Prime was a triple treat today unlile other Sundays that it didn't feel like such. Alden Richards should consistently dance like that. Other days he dances like he's in Bubble Gang not in a variety show.
*Julian Trono. This teenage boy has something great to offer to the industry. Push his career further because people deserve to see his sing&dance combo talent.
*Lights were good today. Song choices were fierce today.
So now the question is: are they ready to move to a 12noon slot?
Our take: LET THEM STAY AT THIS (2PM) TIMESLOT FOREVER. That way the ones watching ASAP can tune in to SAS after. Adds up more viewers right?
It's really not about being number two at all. It's now about getting more viewers because as they improve more, more people deserve to watch excellent production numbers.
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ReplyDeleteLipsync battle is original really? First and foremost singers should get more airtime and not Alden nor those stupid lipstick if you think it's funny then you have the same bad taste as the writers of this show
ReplyDeleteThey're first to make it a segment in the Philippines... go ahead w your good taste :D
DeleteTherefore it's unoriginal and Eat Bulaga have been doing it time and again